Welcome to Suitcase Confidential

Welcome to Suitcase Confidential, a blog that will be filled with travel tales and tips from a perpetual overpacker. After driving myself crazy trying to travel light, I decided to own up to–and celebrate–my overpacking ways.

So hi. My name is JZ, and I’m a perpetual overpacker.

In my soul, I am a wanderer. I lust after seeing new places, swimming in new waters and experiencing different cultures. I want to fill my passport with stamps, order a new one, and do it all over again.

That will take time because I have to do adult things like work and such, but you can be almost guaranteed that if I’m not traveling, I’m probably planning my next adventure. And I’ll chronicle it all here.

Throughout this site, you’ll find travel tips, my favorite travel finds, confessions and tales from the road and sky.

With that, sit back, relax and enjoy your ride through Suitcase Confidential.

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